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sal y pimienta

Siempre me he preguntado por que no hay una guia zagat en  la Ciudad de Mexico, creo que contamos con una cantidad enorme de restaurantes  representantes de todo tipo de comida y para todos los presupuestos, pero por alguna razón a Zagat no le ha interesado formar una guia con ellos. Estudié Comunicación en la Universidad Anáhuac, me casé, trabajé en Banamex publicando una revista eléctronica cuando este género apenas empezaba y tuve  a mis dos hijas. Ahora la mayor, Paulina tiene 25 años y esta a punto de empezar su especialización como neuróloga, la otra Olga, tiene 20 años y es una estudiante de periodismo en la mejor universidad del mundo para la materia Northwestern University , además tiene un blog, lo que me inspiró para empezar el mío.

Regresé  a la Universidad Anáhuac para estudiar cocina en le Cordon Bleu de México y obtuve  mi grand diplome de cocina y otro de pastelería. Me gusta estar enterada de las últimas aperturas de restaurantes, aqui y en el mundo. Llegar a otro país y localizar los mejores restaurantes y comer en ellos.


Asi que pretendo hablar de mis experiencias en estos restaurantes para que puedan servir como una guía a la hora de elegir uno para disfrutar de la buena comida.


Me interesan también las mascotas y lo que comen, mi ideal sería un restaurante donde puedas comer junto con tu perro de una forma sanitaria, y conozco en México un par de ellos.

Los libros son otra de mis pasiones asi que encontrar el mejor libro de cocina  y explorar las novedades también suena atractivo.

Espero tener una audiencia que le interese lo que escribo.

Chocolate and Coconut Macaroons


I’m a great believer in having a few recipes up my sleeve to produce at short notice. And this is one of them. Pillowy coconut macaroons, finished with dark chocolate.


If you have tried making French macarons, chances are that you’ll know that they can be time-consuming and very fickle – there is a lot that can go wrong, so making them is a technique the requires precision, patience and practice.

British macaroons, made with coconut, are an altogether different beast. They are much easier to make, and part of their charm is their more “rustic” appearance. Not for them the smooth shells of their French cousins. They share a slightly crisp surface, that’s true, but underneath they have a soft, fluffy centre that is a little like a home-made Bounty bar. With that in mind, I decided to make these little guys, and finish them off by dipping…

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cranberry and cadbury mini egg energy bites

of agates and madeleines

If you’re like me, you still have some Easter candy floating around aimlessly in your kitchen, your living room, maybe also in your pockets and in your car. This Easter candy is begging to be finished, but there is just so much of it that it is difficult to finish. Especially when there are other delicious things like Gushers getting in the way during afternoon snack time.

So last weekend, on a whim when prepping foodstuffs for an epic end-of-winter hike, I decided to turn some already delicious raw energy balls into not-raw, much deliciouser energy balls, or bites, as I’ll classily refer to them here. I make many versions of these, often with cocoa powder, often with various dried fruits, and always with a base of dates and nuts.

cranberry and cadbury mini egg energy bites

The addition of Cadbury Mini Eggs is a genius move, because it gives the energy bites a crunchy crackly texture…

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raspberry + coconut cream sherbet

of agates and madeleines

raspberry coconut sherbet

This melty frozen treat suffers from what one might call “lackofspringoutside-itis.” It’s a very serious condition, often afflicting those who want nothing more than to eat ice cream every evening while tending to their garden plot, as they contemplate how sunburnt they will get the next day whilst wearing their skimpy summery top.

Alas, skimpy summery tops are but a figment of my imagination at this point. Temperatures are beginning to heat up, and spring is just around the corner, but we’re not quite there yet. In town, tulips are sprouting and crocuses are in bloom, but out here in the woods, the ground is still looking suspiciously white.

At least I’m not in the Midwest, where they’re getting pummeled with snowfall upon snowfall (still).


Oh my gosh, do I spot something…. alive?! I guess word on the street is that when these plants at the upper left flower, which they are doing now…

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dia del niño

dia del niño


Creo que solo en México se celebra el día del niño el 30 de abril, son las ocho y planeo con mi niña de 25 años, una cena diferente y especial, chicken tenders, edamames y chicharos, prometo poner fotos, porque el arreglo de la mesa es importante, y hoy el tema es  Mickey Mouse. Al empezar nos dimos cuenta que el pollo que teníamos no iba a ser suficiente y los huevos se acabaron, lo bueno es que es facil pedir por teléfono al  super.


Ponemos en el food procesor, almendras sin cáscara, harina, sal y pimienta, paprika y polvo de ajo, lo molemos y despues el aceite. Las claras de huevo se ponen con el pollo,  tiritas alargadas que despues se espolvorean con el la mezcla que hicimos antes, se colocan en una charola para hornear con  pam. y a hornear. 





interesante y divertido

Weekend Dose of Brain Matter

Floating in the air, thinking about life. No thoughts it my head but thoughts that want to start. Not knowing what to do, looking for a way out. Too many white, too many clouds. I need to get out and find who I am. 

I need to get out and live my life. 

Who am I now, Who was I then?

Was I yours, or was I mine?


When will I be ready to start?

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